What a Bloody mad Rush!
Working feverishly to put stops in all the pending holes before going home for two weeks, I'm sitting here in my office when everyone else has gone home. And that's with the exception of right-now as I'm typing this.But a little quiet is best when you become tired of the noisy distraction that is so pervasive during working hours. In fact some of my best writing comes during the wee hours of the morning. So here is a night person blogging when everyone should be at home with their families. Or doing work for that matter.
This time around will be significant because I'll be having two friends over. Jon will be conducting some business, while Claire will be performing her first gig.
So in spite of the tumble and hussle, Claire and I will be making the Indian-Pacific Golden Kangeroo hop all the way from Perth to Melbourne. A chance to see end and middle Australia is just what Dr. Kick-Back ordered.
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