Dimmed Lighbulbs!
Today a colleague called wanting to know the procedure on registering a visitor's laptop. This would allow him join our organization's network and access his e-mail, which is lodged on an off-shore e-mail server.Right from the start, I told her that a one-time configuration via wireless access will log him in directly. Doing so would negate having to register his Ethernet hardware address with the IT centre. In addition, as he is provided with an account, this would be a no-brainer. With that, I offered to show him how to do it.
But just as darkness decends, the light bulb in her head suddenly dims! She replies: "No! No! No! It's ok! We'll find it." And promptly hung up the phone. Indicative of a sad but blind scamble for brownie points,
I have no problem about being interrupted by someone seeking assistance on something. But what is particularly wasteful about this incident is that if she was not prepared to listen to me or accept instructions, then she has no business asking for it in the first place. So Miss, you have just wasted my time!
With that, the week certainly looks promising.
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