Monday, November 08, 2004

No Way Out

Making my way to the office this morning seemed like a whole new experience. It even felt like I was walking into a new job. "What am I supposed to do now?" I wondered. This was clearly a good sign that I was starting out the next five months mentally refreshed and physically recharged.

It would have a been a very bad thing had I chosen to keep tabs by digging into my e-mail. And with the bulk of the exam preparations being run on electronic correspondence at this stage, I would have been doing myself a dis-service by not leaving events seven hours away well enough alone. That is why my PowerBook was never used for the entire duration. It had made the return journey to Singapore hibernating in my Crumpler.

But reality catches up with you. A look into my Inbox revealed over three hundred and fifty messages. My instant reaction was to call my travel agent to book another flight out of Singapore. Thankfully though, my late night efforts in plugging gaps prior to flying, paid off. My colleagues had taken up the slack effortlessly and made short work of the contingencies, reducing most of the message exchange for my information only. I am grateful and lucky to be working with such a team. Without them, I would not have been at ease even on holiday.


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