Tuesday, April 25, 2006

The Need for Speed

Well this should please Otterman.

FirmTek just announced their new eSATA PC ExpressCard for Apple's Intel-powered MacBook Pro, which will be available later this year.

Having bought a 15" MacBook Pro a month earlier, Otterman was asking what the offerings were for this new PC card standard adopted by Apple. Apart from the boring Firewire 400/800, USB 2.0, wireless bridge or flashcard-reader offerings, eSATA is an exciting option for ultra-fast data transfers between harddrives or computers.

Built purely for fast data transfers and harddrive connectivity, this is the PC industry's defacto standard eclipsing even Firewire 800, which was built as a plug-n-play alternative for peripherals like camcorders. The specifications speak for themselves. eSATA can transfer data up to 3GB/Sec, compared to a pookie 400MB/Sec for Firewire 400. Barefeats demonstrated this in their review.

With gigabytes worth of photos and data to archive, this is something to consider since Otterman beefed up his Dual G4 MDD with 1.2 terrabytes of storage! Now if only Apple offered eSATA ports in the next revision of their sexy iMacs.


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